Saturday, March 31, 2012

BFF: Broadway Family Favorites

Yes, we were in a play!!! Ashley and Megan have done a couple of plays before and this time Kaitlyn wanted to be in it. There was a little hitch though, Kaitlyn didn't want to audition by herself, she was a little nervous. So she asked me to audition with her. Being the incredible and caring dad that I am, I told her that I would do it. Needless to say, I ended up being in seven numbers and she was in two. It was actually really fun though, despite the hazings by my brothers questioning my manhood (I did have to wear tights for two numbers). We had a great time with some great people. I surprised myself too. I never thought I would be able to sing in front of several hundred people. I'm not sure I will do it again, unless Britney somehow needed a little extra support. That may have been my theatre debut and retirement performance in one!

Bigwave's Big Surprise Retirement Party

So my Dad, Dave Sr., aka Bigwave, retired officially this week. Congratulations Dad!!! I look forward to that day myself. We recently had a surprise retirement party for him. He worked as a radiation oncologist in Spokane, WA and Coeur D'Alene, ID, but he is from Salt Lake. Old friends were invited, some of his long lost relatives, and even some medical school buddies of his. We had nearly a hundred people at our house. Not too mention, it was also his birthday party that day, March 17th, hence all of the green attire. We're proud of you pops! Some words of advice, live frugal, that's our inheritance your spending!