Sunday, June 7, 2009

More Big Apple

It was a short, but fun trip. We had several great days and one really rainy one. We did typical tourist stuff, but we also went to the Manhattan Temple and the Belmont Stakes. New York is a fun city, I could probably even live there, temporarily.

Times Square was different than in years past. They have closed half of the streets through the Square and laid out tons of beach and lawn chairs for people to relax, people watch, and look at the lights.

We spent most of a rainy day in the Metropolitan Museum. Tara's favorite part is the knights and armoury. It was also cool to see art work from Van Gogh, Rembrant, Monet, Manet, and Picasso. Plus the topless roman statues were great too, now that's art.

Here we are atop the Empire State Building. My brother hadn't been there before so we went. This was the least favorite part of the trip. It's $20 to go up and that's only to the 86th floor observatory. It's another $15 per person to go to the 102nd floor to basically see the same thing. It was also packed full of people and took hours to finish. If you haven't been before, then consider doing it. But, if you have been up the Empire State Building, don't waste your time doing it again.

1 comment:

Deborah said...

Thanks for a great weekend together. We are so proud of Dr. Derek. That was an awesome day!