Friday, August 28, 2009

Family Dinner at the Davenports

The other day we had Tara's family over for dinner. We were planning on having an outdoor barbeque, but it was windy and cool so everyone wanted to be inside. We ended up turning on the Wii and playing some Mariokart. My bro-in-law Lonnie is a quad and can't grip with his hands so we tooks some rags torn from an old sheet and tied his hands to the steering wheel. He still lost the race though because he was laughing so hard he couldn't control the car. We now have some ace bandages and a set of Tara's velvet handcuffs to secure him to the wheel.

This is my nephew Gauge. He loves riding bikes so much that it doesn't even matter if he has to wear a pink helmet and ride a pink bike. He looks like one bad mutha.


DaNae said...

never a dull moment with you.

The Starr Family said...

Way cool how you helped your brother-in-law play the game!