Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Poor Little JoJo

Little Megan had some teeth pulled today. Five teeth in fact. It was going to be two, but there was a special deal at the dentist, "Pull 4 teeth and get the 5th one FREE!" It really seemed like a deal we couldn't pass up. Unfortunately for Megan, she was born with the Miller-side snaggletooth formation. Her baby teeth were taking too long to come out and her adult teeth were crowded up top. She did an awesome job though. She was sedated and I was hoping for some crazy remarks from her, but she held it together. If you want to see something funny, look up "is this real life kid" on youtube. You'll love it.


After (Say goodbye to apples for 6 months)

1 comment:

Deborah said...

Megan Grandma is sad for you. I hope you are feeling okay. You are as cute as ever though. See you soon!