Wednesday, December 2, 2009


It was Ashley's 9th birthday on the day of the BYU/Utah game. So we both went down to watch the big game. It was actually pretty warm the first half and started to cool down in the 2nd half as did the Cougars. We actually left right before the end of the game in the 4th quarter because I though that the Cougs would lose they played so crappy in the 2nd half. Plus, Coach Bronco blows and is a total wuss. We listened to overtime in the car, but we got home quick with a BYU victory. Fun day, fun win. FANS, PLEASE KEEP YOUR COMMENTS AS CLASSY AS POSSIBLE.

Lavell Edwards Stadium, or as we call it, the Lord's Stadium.

1 comment:

DaNae said...

Ash has byu blood in her veins already!! rise and shout baby.