Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Relay for Life

We just had our annual, American Cancer Society's Relay for Life for the South Valley area. It was a great time. We had a lot bigger turn out this year than last. Overall, we raised about the same amount, but this year we raise nearly $6,000 just at the event. I lot of stress is behind me now. This was my last year running the thing (with contributions from Jeff), but I'm going to be off the committee this next year for sure. Tara and I will do a team again though. Anyway, it was a fun time.

Below is our Survivor ceremony. Jeff spoke with his son Jake that has luekemia. Ashley also read her article that she wrote to about 500 people. I posted her article that she wrote on the June 22nd post. Check it out.

1 comment:

Deborah said...

What a wonderful thing for you to do with your family. That is setting such a good example of community service. Congrats on a job well done with lots of support. I love you!