Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Our AZ Thanksgiving

We drove down to Phoenix this year for Thanksgiving. It was fun. I left the house twice. Drew's house is like a resort, big back yard, nice pool and hot tub, half a dozen huge palm trees, outdoor sound system, a gas firepit, and a desert tortoise. Really he has all that anyone could ever need in a home and yard. Mom and Dad met us there as well as Di and Gordon, and of course Denton and Krystee live there as well. We were nervous about the drive down, just after a storm, but it wasn't bad. Coming home on the other hand was BAD. Huge, icy storm slowed us down. We were going 3 miles an hour through Cedar City. Tara said as we drove through Cedar City and I quote, "At three miles an hour that will take us like 10 hours to get home!" At three miles an hour it would take ten hours to get to the next exit. We were being passed on the freeway by Mormom pioneers in handcarts. Needless to say it took a long time to get home.
* * *
Did I mention that we took Kam with us? Yes, Kam came with us and he did awesome. I would take 15 huskies in a car with me over the wife and kids. Way less complaining, less bathroom stops, less movie requests, he didn't make a peep. We had to leash him in Drew's yard so he would eat the tortoise or his furniture. Kam did eat a pair a Sam's socks which he pooped out the next day. It's Kam's way of flushing out his system. Most of the pics are of us swimming at Drew's house, which we did at a minimum of twice a day. We had fun. The first pic is of Britney falling asleep at Thanksgiving dinner. We have a short clip of her chewing and sleeping at the same time.

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