Tuesday, October 7, 2008

26 Miles and 385 Yards

Yes, that is the distance of a marathon or 26.2 miles is close. Pheidippides, a Greek messanger, ran from the battle of Marathon to Athens to proclaim the Greek's victory of the Persians. Pheidippides burst into the assembly in Athens and yelled "we have won" before falling to the ground and dying there on the spot after having run, non-stop 26 miles and 385 yards. Obviously Pheidippides should have eaten less salt, less carbs, and worked on his cardiovascular training more. Nevertheless, we now run marathons in his honor, sort of.

My sisters Dianna, Dorianne, DaNae, along with my brother-in-law Ben and myself ran the St. George marathon on Saturday. We all finished. I am glad to have participated, but it totally sucked more than anything could suck. It was cold and rained the entire time. Most of the course was downhill, and it was downhill for a long, long, painfully long time. Luckily I wore band-aids on my nipples to prevent nipples hemorraging like this dude:

I was slow, real slow, but I finished and I didn't die on the spot. I am sore enough though right now that death doesn't seem like a scary option. Atleast Pheidippides didn't have to go through the recovery stage after a marathon. If you are thinking about runnin a marathon, think long and hard about it. Maybe even try a half marathon. If you think that sucks, a full marathon is doubly sucky. Here are two of the dudes that beat me by over an hour:


Kristin said...

You are my hero! Sorry we didn't battle the tsunami and come cheer you on, can't believe you ran in it! Congrats & glad you didn't die!

Tori said...

Way to go!!!!

Karly said...

I am so proud of you for finishing! YOU GO DOUBLE D

Bigwaves Blog said...

I am proud of you guys. that was a big accomplishment. How fun to run with Ben and the girls. Three cheers for all of you.

Nicki said...

Congratulations, Dave! That's quite an accomplishment, an accomplishment I wish I could call my own!

Cindy said...

Wow, you guys all amaze me. I have been hearing about The Davenports doing the marathon for along time now and I've been checking in to see how it went and you are the first one to post about it, so congrats to you. I seriously am amazed!!. I've done half marathons and that is enough of running for me. Seriously, I would have never thought of protecting the man nipples. Maybe he has a little sympathy for his brestfeeding wife : )

The Moore Family said...

Wow!! I am impressed. I have thought about running a marathon, but I think I will pass......

Nicole Jaussi said...

Good job Dave!! I'm impressed you finished. I would have quit after 30 minutes in the rain. :)