Saturday, November 1, 2008

First Family Pheasant Hunt

Today my bro-in-law Nate invited me and the girls to go pheasant hunting at a pheasant ranch. We took out twelve pheasants and brought home 10. It was cool. The girls had fun. The guide's dog that came with us found a pheasant and caught it rather than flushing it out. It chewed the hen enough that it couldn't fly, so the kids ended up naming it Checkers and took turns holding it for the entire hunt. They eventually got bored and made a nest for Checkers. When we got back to the truck, Kolton who is six rang Checkers neck and we will be eating Checkers tomorrow for lunch. Kaitlyn started feeling sick and puked 20 minutes after we got home. I told Tara that know I have provided food for the family by sea, by land, and by air.

Heading out to hunt in the back of the truck.

Looking for pheasants down the wash.

Ashley holding Checkers the hen.

The nest the kids made for Checkers.

Megan holding Checkers while Kaitlyn tries not to puke.

Mighty hunters.


Danielle said...

You have obviously been living in a red state for too long.

Deborah said...

What a fun day. You don't need a boy. The girls will join you in all the fun.

Unknown said... I read, and now I am commenting. It was so good to see you guys last night!!! I am so happy to hear that everything is going well. I've missed you guys!! Cute girls by the way... :)